Monday, December 24, 2012

Mustika Ghina As-Syamsy

"US-SYAMSY MUSTIKA Ghina" This Mustika withdrawal results in sacred places tomb / petilasan the Great Wali Allah, Waterfall / sea / river springs in mustika is commonly called by the wisdom of experts kyais ulama 'khowash / the Wali Allah FRUIT OF NATURAL THURABY (Natural his Nabiyullah Khidr AS), Mustika include ruby ​​Mustika just not red when in put into the water, his strength is very powerful and potent levels of peak / top of being able to defeat and destroy his / meluluh devastated / destroyed Melting mustika-mustika the evil / mustika is on hold by the dzolim, we pulled her from the supernatural realm with the instructions of the teachers PM2NA caregivers, during the US-SYAMSY mustika Ghina in the benefit / in use for the good of the This will mustika mengelurkan it with maximum force but if the owner / carrier mustika has a lack of good intentions then the strength of US-SYAMSY MUSTIKA Ghina will not come out and appear it means there is no difference with the other stones because it does not emit KHAWARIQULIL 'Adah its , mustika Angels is a high level of strength that can only come up for a blessing on the strength of his / defend the religion of Allah swt / defend people on its benefits can dzolimi's benefits as a tool devoted to Allah the Almighty and facilitate all the hunger mundane (accelerator prosperity, rank , position, fortune, Pengasihan, supreme authority, absolute safety physically and spiritually, magic, mortal sympathy, congratulations witchcraft attacks, pellets, magic, witchcraft evil, between the safety of his physical attacks: jab, iris, tangerine, shaving etc. ), got his ideals / to desire, has the power of high-level science lessons, guarded by angels, by all nations in fear of spirits, Jinn, Genderuwo, pocong, tuyul etc., can be made as a means of medical treatment / non Medical And still his banayak others we can not mention one by one the benefit of his / her usefulness, mustika-mustika on the very rare and very hard to have a way to get it right we also need air PM2NA months and draining , according to our teachers (kiai linuwih) mustika-mustika this first fight is always accompanied air / air proselytizing Wali Allah in the spread of the religion of Allah the Almighty, mustika this is one of the few mustika mustika accompanying the trip spiritual Ulama 'supernatural power Khowash khawariqulil' adah. power "AS-SYAMSY MUSTIKA Ghina" capable of making a cordial relationship household full of affection because of his strength Pengasihan very potent and powerful full to greatness, this mustika owners will meet in the golden rays of wisdom that glaring yellow eyes right mind, you would appear confident, independent, graceful, dignified, full of charisma to greatness, pretty / handsome look awat young, able as a means of binding soul mate, your sex organs will make your partner addicted so your partner will not turn to someone else, Stone karomah above this Our PM2NA, get from the withdrawal in the Tomb Syekh.Magelung cirebon sakti-one, it is very powerful spiritual powers, among his Fadhilah: specialize in prosperity, creates a sense of courage, inner and outer absolute safety, strength devastating blow off (be careful not for playing games), in fear rogue jinn (Pagan / Fasiq), medication possession, non-medical medical illnesses, can quickly mate, in fear that people would intend evil, in that respect in relationships / work, what's in command obey it in their subordinates, an evil person will harm himself, at the national guard her unseen among syekh.Abdul Hayyi, Syekh.Basarudin, Syekh.Qamar which can be viewed by the mind's eye (Kasyaf), panglimunan, charisma grand, powerful muhabah , ease in finding wealth and position, in millions of people watch, angel groups rohany, ease in getting her life partner, a victory in any kind of competition in ridho'I Allah (position / career), Fences self / home / place of business of the attack negative, can be brought anywhere and scaled to children - grandchildren / descent Mahar .. Rp.3.500.000

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