Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Oil Mustajab Klanceng White

Pictured above is a white klanceng Original Oil karomah Bangkalan-madura Fadhilahnya: inner and outer absolute safety, triumph in every endeavor, majestic charisma, people will harm themselves hostile, ease in finding rezeky, in segani the safety association of guns blunt / sharp fencing of supernatural attacks, ease in any business, the trust of everyone associated work, finish anything what matters easily, syare'at get a seafood / fish abundance, people who carry on the heritage of the growing sense of love / affection (muhabah) large in the hearts of people is the purpose / people around him, regardless of any distress / disaster, kemenagan in any competition, in that respect like a king / queen, it's easy to get a position of leadership, amazing changes in him, rahmad variety of confidential nature, insha allah fortune will be blessed and rich, comes his rezeky are not suspected of a suspect, who drank it will look beautiful and handsome and youthful, as panglaris akbar, fencing the property / object / home / place of business, a thief or a robber / rioters coming home / place of business it would lose consciousness (matung) until you apologize right, Panglaris akbar make every effort, in case khodam: Sayyid.Kalakafafin, Sayyid.Amwaasyin, Sayyid.Ruuhin, Saayyid.Hamliil, Sayyid.Da 'uumin, Sayyid.Ghoshiin, Sayyid.Azqiil, Sheikh. Hamiim and Prince. Hadid etc. Ordinary Mahar Rp. 5,000. 000 / BIstimewa Rp. 7,000. 000 / Special Rp. 13.000. 000

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