Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Heritage Slimi turban Grandpa (Aba Jai)

Scraps of cloth on top of this is a small part of the Kanjeng turban SLIMI lora Tasbih Rajeh Have Honey Teak, Gus.Pratanu He has a turban on it, from the family, inherited all the way to the hands of caregivers PM2NA, Karomahnya very powerful spiritual powers, in among his Fadhilah: foster a sense of courage, inner and outer absolute safety, hold power punches, in fear rogue jinn (Pagan / Fasiq), medication possession, non-medical medical illnesses, can quickly mate, in fear that people would intend evil, in respect in relationships / work, what's in it at obey orders by subordinates, an evil person will harm himself, at which guard the nation unseen can be viewed by the mind's eye (Kasyaf), panglimunan, charisma akbar, muhabah powerful, ease in finding treasure and positions, angel groups in the nation guard rohany, ease in getting her life partner, a victory in any kind of competition in ridho'I Allah (position / career), can be brought anywhere and scaled to children - grandchildren / descent Perhaps the story when Alm.KHSirajul Munir up pilgrimage through the sea with that possessed KHSirajul karomah Munir met with U.S. Nabiyullah Khidr, and the prophet who believed still alive in this present moment gives a Surban slimi to his grandfather's caregiver PM2NA, and the end of his turban slimi fell into the hands of the grandson of one of his most in love by the kiai khowas at his age .. (Not For Sale) Not in the dowry

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